2025 7th International Conference on Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (ICOMD 2025)
Call For Papers
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Call For Papers

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

◕ Optoelectronic Materials

Design and preparation of novel optoelectronic materials

Organic solar cell materials

Organic electroluminescent diodes and luminescent chemical cell

Application of new optoelectronic materials

New optoelectronic functional materials and devices

Preparation and characterization of photoelectric thin film materials

Photoelectric conversion material technology and application

Photoelectric information functional material

Nanophotonics and materials

Chemistry and physics of optoelectronic materials

Organic biochemistry sensor

Organic laser pumped laser

Organic nonlinear optical material

Nanophotonics and materials

Photosensitive polymer material and polymer information storage material

Organic photoconductive material

Photorefractive polymer materials and polymer information storage materials

◕ Device

Circuits, devices and systems

Smart grid and circuit

Signal and multimedia processing

Communication engineering

Electronics and electrical engineering

Nano electro mechanical System

Photonics and optoelectronics

Wireless/Mobile communication and computing

Analysis of power quality and system stability

Analog circuits and digital circuits

Antenna and propagation

Electric energy processing

Electromagnetic and photonics

Electro-optical phenomena of semiconductors

Power electronics and energy systems

Signal processing

Techniques of laser and applications Of electro-optics

Simulation of propagation

Battery management system

Circuits and electronics

Computer relaying integrated optics and electro-optics devices

Microwave theory and techniques

Microwave and millimeter

Modulation, coding, and channel analysis

Power electronics

Remote control and techniques of GPS

Robotics and atomization engineering

Signal integrity design for high-speed digital systems

Solar power generation

Wind power generation

Manuscripts passed the peer-review process by expert reviewers from the conference organizing committee will be accepted and published in the Conference Proceedings. The published papers will then be submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus for abstracting/indexing.